Wednesday, April 28, 2010

How to Put On A Mascot Costume

While putting on a mascot costume may sound like an easy thing to do, there are a few tips that can make it easier to do.

First of all, make sure the area is clean and clear of dust bunnies. It wouldn't hurt to lay a drop cloth or tarp of some sort on the ground the ensure there is not dirt in the area. This will prolong the life of the costume and keep it looking brand new.

We suggest you have a dressing assistant to help you get in and out of the costume. Mascot costumes typically have a great deal of foam and material. Due to the amount of extra padding and material, it is much more difficult to get dressed as compared to putting on regular clothes. This can easily end in losing your balance, which you would obviously want to avoid. A dressing assistant can also prevent the fabric or fur from getting snagged or caught which could result in ripping.

Always take you shoes off before putting on the mascot costume. This is important for a number of reasons. First of all, it will help keep the costume clean. Second, the rubber soles on tennis shoes tends to stick or get caught in the legs of the costumes. This can result in ripping.

We recommend you use a full length mirror to put on the costume. This will allow you to make sure everything looks correct (ie: the leg coverings are covering you legs, your arms are covered ,the costume is on the right way, etc).

If your mascot costume has a shirt (t-shirt, jersey, etc), put the shirt on the mascot costume before putting on the mascot head. Mascot heads are made to be larger than life and attempting to put the shirt on over the head will stretch the shirt out tremendously, and possibly rip it.

If your mascot costume head has a built in fan installed, you may want to wear a hair net or hat if you have long hair to prevent it from getting caught in the net.

Make sure you have someone double check the costume before you go out into the public. Make sure there isn't any skin or clothing showing under the costume. You want to be fully covered- nothing ruins the illusion of the costumed character actually BEING the character more than simple things like this.

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